Objectives of the BELA Bill:
- Amend Definitions: Update and insert definitions in the South African Schools Act, 1996.
- Compulsory Grade R: Make attendance of Grade R compulsory.
- Penalty Provisions: Amend penalties for preventing a learner from attending school and create offenses for disrupting educational activities.
- Authority of Head of Department: Enhance the authority of the Head of Department regarding learner admissions to public schools.
- South African Sign Language: Recognize South African Sign Language as an official language for learning at public schools.
- Language of Instruction: Allow the Head of Department to direct schools to adopt multiple languages of instruction and ensure necessary resources are provided.
- Curriculum and Assessment Advisors: Authorize the Minister to appoint advisors for curriculum and assessment-related matters.
- Code of Conduct: Ensure the code of conduct at public schools respects diverse cultural beliefs, religious observances, and medical circumstances, and include an exemption clause.
- Drug Provisions: Refine provisions regarding drug possession on school premises or during school activities.
- Suspension and Expulsion: Refine provisions related to suspension and expulsion for misconduct.
- Prohibit Corporal Punishment: Ban corporal punishment at schools, during school activities, and at hostels.
- Prohibit Initiation Practices: Ban initiation practices during school activities.
- Specialised Schools: Designate public schools with a specialized focus on talent.
- Merging of Public Schools: Regulate the merger of public schools.
- Centralised Procurement: Centralize procurement of learning and teaching support material for public schools.
- Governing Body Functions: Regulate the withdrawal of governing body functions and clarify the Minister’s role in governing bodies of special education schools.
- Governance and Conflict of Interest: Require governing body members to declare conflicts of interest and prevent their remuneration.
- Closure of Public Schools: Extend and refine provisions related to the closure of public schools.
- Lease Agreements: Regulate lease agreements for school property.
- Financial Regulations: Further regulate school budgets, financial record-keeping, and financial reporting.
- Independent Schools: Increase penalties for unregistered independent schools and regulate subsidies for independent schools.
- Home Education: Further regulate home education.
- False Information: Create offenses for providing false or misleading information when applying for learner admission or fee exemptions.
- Dispute Resolution: Provide mechanisms for resolving disputes between school governing bodies and education authorities.
- Liability of the State: Further regulate the liability of the State for damages.
- Regulation Making Powers: Extend the Minister’s power to make regulations and create offenses in the regulations.
These objectives aim to improve the quality and governance of education, ensure compliance with educational standards, and address various administrative and operational aspects within the education system.